Here's the link to our powerpoint!
*Something that truly exists or happens
*A true piece of information
*A brief, judgement, or way of thinking about something
How do you teach with fact and opinion?
1. Give the students an article
2. Have the students read the article
3. Instruct student's to underline the facts and circle the opinions
You can model this for your students!
Melissa and I used this article to demonstrate fact and opinion. This article is from the website Newsela which has hundreds of current events articles and the difficulty can be changed to allow for students to read at their level. We read sentences from the article out loud and asked our peers to tell us whether the statement was a fact or opinion. Newsela has an awesome feature where you can highlight text in different colors. For our demonstration we highlighted opinions in yellow and facts in purple.
Here is an example from the article of an opinion:
Here is an example from the article of a fact:
We had our classmates reflect on what they learned about teaching fact and opinion on Melissa's blog.