Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Artifact Bag

I created an Artifact Bag on the Northwest Passage to be used in a 5th grade classroom. 

The artifacts : 

How do you make them look old?

An artifact bag is a great way to engage students and make learning fun. Artifact bags are hands on and can be used for many topics related to social studies. This activity actively engages students reading, writing, and researching the questions that arose from the artifacts. Students work individually and together which creates a meaningful learning experience. Students will demonstrate cognitive comprehension, show a motivation for learning, be knowledge driven, and engage in relevant social interaction. 

The teacher must first model the lesson for her students. The teacher should use an artifact that does not relate to the artifacts the students will be researching. The teacher should share her thought process out loud to model the questions that students should be asking. 
My professor modeled the artifact bag activity by making artifact bags for our class and having us work together to analyze and understand the artifacts. 

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